…so you think you know it all?
1. Do you know how many countries are members of the EU? -> 27
2. Do you know which two countries are the newest members of the EU? -> Bulgaria, Romania Jan 2007
3. Do you know when your country joined the EU? -> See below
4. Do you know in which city you can find the headquarters of the European Commission -> Brussels
5. Is there a European directive about cucumbers being straight?
-> Yes – see below
6. Do you know in which country the European Parliament is based? -> France
7. Can young people in your country vote in European Parliamentary elections? -> Yes, if EU citizens and over 18
8. Can you name your MEP (Member of the European Parliament)?
9. Do you know which organisation represents the views and interests of young people at European level?
-> European Youth Forum
10. In which month are the European elections taking place?
-> June
11. Which country is at the moment chairman of the counsel of Europe? -> Czech republic
12. Do you know of a project or activity in your country, which has been funded by the EU?
1951: Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands
1973: Denmark, Ireland, United Kingdom;
1981: Greece
1986: Portugal, Spain;
1995: Austria, Finland, Sweden;
2004: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovak Republic,Slovenia;
2007: Bulgaria, Romania.
yes – in a way: there is legislation relating to the quality and packaging of cucumbers ... you can get more straight ones than curved ones into a box!
Number of ‘YES’s:
10-12 = a well-informed informed European!
7-9 = the EU is definitely on your radar!
4-6 = you’re well on the way!
0-3 = just at the start - hang in there!
Richter – “The Map of “European citizenship”- 2009