
“The Map of “European citizenship”
European training sponsored by the Council of Europe.

Ukraine, 15.05.2009 - 21.05.2009

Day by day program

Friday 15 May

Arrival of the participants, travelling to location, checking in hotel, evening free
Saturday 16 May

09.00 - breakfast
10.00 - energizers
10.30 - start of the training

-> getting to know each other games and sharing expectations what to bring and ant to take home

13.00 - lunch
14.30 - start workshop
-> presentation organisations
maximum time for presentation is 5 minutes

18.00 - evaluations
19.00 - dinner
20.30 - free time

-> social informal discussions/games

Sunday 17 May

09.00 - breakfast
10.00 - energizers
10.30 - start workshop

-> introduction program Youth in Action
definition European citizenship
13.00 - lunch
14.30 - start workshop

-> an introduction on games and exercises can be used to
support the personal and social developing of young people

18.00 - evaluation
19.30 - dinner
21.00 - cultural evening

-> cultural evening, country presentation

Monday 18 May

09.00 - breakfast
10.00 - energizers
10.30 - excursion to Slavyanogors

-> visiting monastery, caves, Artyoma Mountain

16.00 - end of excursion
18.00 - evaluation
19.00 - dinner
21.00 - free time

-> social informal discussions/games

Tuesday 19 May

09.00 - breakfast
10.00 - energizers
10.30 - start workshop
-> definition and profile of youth work

13.00 - lunch
14.30 - start workshop

-> different simulation games

18.00 - evaluation
19.00 - dinner
21.00 - start workshop

-> debating exercises from a practical point of view

Wednesday 20 May

09.00 - breakfast
10.00 - energizes
10.30 - start workshop

-> how to keep in contact and network developing

13.00 - lunch
14.30 - plenary evaluation

-> evaluation games. You will be encouraged to give feedback to the rest of the group about your development of the training.

17.00 - farewell dinner/party
20.50 - travelling back to Kiev/Donetsk

Thursday 21 May

Departure of all participants

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